Adjust your home to suit your age

If you ask older people what they most wish for, it’s to stay living in their own home for the rest of their life. Some have lived in the same home for fifty, sixty or seventy years or more. It is their safe haven. Or is it?
Over the years, we don’t quite notice how many more possessions or knick knacks we’ve gathered. Now, they might be clogging up the stair well and hall ways. While we happily tread carefully around them umpteen times each day, we generally don’t realise that they have become a trip hazard. For those of you who have slipped, tripped or skidded on something in your house that shouldn’t have been there in the first place, you’ll be reminded of the pain and debilitation that comes with a fractured femur or hip.
We all coped well with graduating from bassinet to a cot to a bed. Well, here’s another opportunity to graduate. Again, this is an age-appropriate graduation from the house you live in. Don’t worry. You won’t be going far. You’ll be graduating to the house you live in now but made more liveable, accessible and adaptable.
As we age, we must all be open to adjusting the way we live for our comfort, convenience, safety and social connection. If you have sacrificed wearing a mini skirt and sky high platform shoes, you have already proven that you are adaptable.
Live easily and more safely. Have your home assessed for liveability, adaptability and accessibility. Check out the resources list below
And remember, Secure My Treasures also helps you to stay in control of your life. Store all of your important information in any format in the Chests at Add details for people that you trust to access specified information in an emergency.
Australian Government, Your Homes, Australia’s Guide to Environmentally Sustainable Homes. The liveable and adaptable home., (Accessed 26 November 2024)
Endeavour Foundation, What is an accessible home. (Accessed 26 November 2024)
Livable Housing Design Guidelines (Accessed 26 November 2024)