Overseas Travel Done Differently Later in Life

Travelling overseas later in life is very different from those carefree days of our youth spent backpacking and on living off the smell of an oily rag.
If you haven’t travelled for a while, be prepared. Do your homework on the places you are visiting including laws and rituals.
Does your holiday destination have endless stairs and, if yes, are you fit enough to climb them. When it comes to travel at any age health and firness are vital. When you leave Australia, you are leaving a world class health system.
Subscribe now and store all of your travel related information in one place in Secure My Treasures.
These articles provide some great guidance for older travelers. They includes information about countries where your Medicare card may be accepted.
Article: Travelling overseas later in life, Aged Care Guide, 17 December 2021.
https://www.agedcareguide.com.au/information/travelling-overseas-later-in-life (Accessed 1 June 2022)
Website: Advice mature and older travellers https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/before-you-go/who-you-are/mature-travellers 30 May 2023.