Secure My Treasures


How to Choose a Safe Place for Your Valuables

It’s often very hard to decide whether to hide your valuables in your home or store them elsewhere, such as a bank safe deposit box. This article invites you to consider four questions about your valuables that are designed to help you decide what method of security is right for you. You might also consider photographing your valuables and storing […]

Did I Just Forget or Is My Memory Failing?

Ever wondered if you are losing your memory? It’s normal to forget things from time to time. We all do it. Every day, around one in 10 Australians lose or misplace an item and then spend on average 29 minutes trying to find it again. That equates to around 800,000 hours or 7.6 days each year. There are many explanations […]

Support for Carers

Did you know that there are about 2.6 million carers in Australia? Many of us who care for a family member or partner or friend, don’t consider that we are carers because we do it out of love. Caring can be very demanding, exhausting and stressful over time. That’s why its very important that you take care of your own […]

Declutter, Go Paperless and Downsize

Once the nest is empty, many of us downsize to a more relaxed life in homes with fewer bedrooms, less to dust and less to mow. That’s after we have decluttered, packed, boxed, moved and then unpacked and deboxed. These resources are offered to help you through that journey. Video: Older Australians and their downsizing preferences. Australian Housing & Urban Research […]

Disaster Planning and Recovery for Your Family

Australian Red Cross has developed a toolkit with checklists that will help you understand what you need to do in order to be well prepared for a disaster. It offers practical advice and support for those who have experienced, and are recovering from a disaster. Article: Australian Red Cross, Resources to help you. (Accessed 1 June 2022) The Australian Disaster Resilience […]

Pet Care in an Emergency

Around three out of five Australian families own a pet. So, it stands to reason that, as a pet owner, your pet would be well prepared in the event of disaster. This article steps out what you need to do to prepare your pet in an emergency. RSPCA. What preparations should I make for my pets in case of an […]

Wills, Estates and Powers of Attorney

It is estimated that around 60% of people in Australia die without having made a will, or do have a will that is out of date. It is not the case that estate planning (planning what will happen to your property after you die) and having a will are only important if you are wealthy or have assets. A will […]

Make Provision for Your Pets in Your Will

Many of us consider our beloved pets as family members, and so wish to ensure that they are well cared for after we pass. Many of us make provision for our pets our will. This might include who will care for them and provision to cover the financial costs of future care. The articles below step out some of the […]

Everyone needs an Advance Care Plan

Your Advance Care Plan documents your preferences for health care in the future, say, when or if, you are seriously ill and not able to make these decisions yourself. Unfortunately, only about one third of us have an advanced care directive documented in a health record. That means for roughly 60% of us, no one knows our near end of […]

Planning Your Funeral

Many of us find it difficult to talk about death and dying. It’s emotional and emotive. So, it is understandable that while most of us expect to plan our own funeral, the reality is that it is often left for our loved ones to organise. But, if we are able to organise our own swan song, we have an opportunity […]

Secure My Treasures