Welcome to Secure My Treasures podcasts. Our mission is to help seniors to remain independent and in control of their lives. The people we interview for our podcasts are exceptional professionals and individuals who think outside the square. They are also passionate about supporting seniors (and their adult children) within their area of expertise.
If you are a thought leader, innovator or expert on a topic that is important for seniors to know about, please volunteer to be interviewed for our podcast series. We are particularly keen to hear from people who can share hacks that make a big positive difference to older people’s lives. Please email us at info@securemytreasures.com and tell us a little bit about yoursefl and what you would like to talk about. The people we chose to interview are best fit with our mission. You will receive a copy of the interview for your own use
Mum or Dad’s been in hospital? Get them up, out of their pyjamas and keep them moving. Deconditioning is preventable
Prof Brian Dolan OBE, Health Service 360
Episode 4 of our podcast series is all about deconditioning. Never heard of deconditioning? It results from prolonged hospitalisation and, overtime, it becomes harmful to health and wellbeing. Hear international expert, Prof Brian Dolan share his expertise to describe deconditioning, how you can identify it and what can be done to reverse it.
So if your Mum or Dad has been in hospital and now won’t get out of their pyjamas, won’t get out of their chair, won’t make their own cup of tea and has lost their lust for life, this podcast is for you.
Prof Dolan OBE helps you to understand that deconditioning is a serious, but reversible, health and concern. He also shares his tips on what you can do to help a loved one who is deconditioning.
Found out more about deconditioning and how to avoid it at https://youtu.be/JHJfnoLAdWg
Dad’s passed away. Mum doesn’t know anything about the finances
Nick Donnelly, Plenary Wealth
In Episode 3 of Secure My Treasures podcast series, we talk to financial planner, Nick Donnelly from Plenary Wealth. Our chat focuses on what happens when one of the partners in a relationship passes away, and the remaining partner suddenly finds that they are now in charge of the finances. Nick will help you to think through managing your finances through life’s transitions. He’ll also touch on how to avoid scammers, family dynamics and elder abuse and the value of receiving good independent financial advice.
This podcast is a feast of great tips. https://youtu.be/A-f_qJ8HIJU
There are millions of dollars out there in lost shares and investments. All you need is a little help to find them
Jon Moses, JM Investments
Our guest for this podcast is Jon Moses, from JM Investments. He’s also known as the Share Hunter. Jon has developed an enviable reputation for tracking down lost shares and other investments, especially when it involves deceased estates. Jon works directly with clients and through solicitors, executors and estate administrators. His work has yielded unexpected windfalls for some families. Jon will tell us how each of us can track down unclaimed monies.
This is a must listen to podcast. https://youtu.be/QkmB_8azZNg
Invited to be an executor of a will? Need to understand more about your role and what’s required?
Danielle Phillips, Sage Executor Solutions
I talked with Danielle Phillips, founder of Sage Executor Solutions about the role and responsibilities of an executor. Danielle is an expert in her field. Frankly, I was genuinely surprised about the time commitment, especially the persistence required of an executor. Administering an estate can be complex especially when dealing with bureaucracy. Being an executor can be a challenging emotional journey when people are grieving. Look out for Danielles’s advice about how people can take the pain out of administering a complaint.
Anyway, listen for yourself….. https://youtu.be/dSznfXIOsfk?si=YsIYtz6t_JZ0OPkR